Sinamics DCM

SINAMICS DCM stands for SINAMICS Direct Current Modular, which is a versatile and efficient drive system developed by Siemens. It is designed to control and operate various types of DC motors, providing precise speed and torque control for a wide range of industrial applications. With its modular design, SINAMICS DCM offers flexibility and scalability, allowing users to customize the drive system according to their specific requirements. It incorporates advanced technology to ensure reliable performance, energy efficiency, and seamless integration with automation systems. Whether you need to control motors in the automotive, manufacturing, or any other industry, SINAMICS DCM is ready to empower your applications.


DC technology also plays an important role in the world of drives today. Whether in industry, power plants, or smart grid applications: Wherever reliability and longevity are decisive factors, drive and exciter systems in SINAMICS DC converters reliably perform their service. The DC converter offers you maximum performance and integrated intelligence as well as maximum availability. They are also the ideal partner for our DC motors. As part of a team, they ensure maximum reliability, ease of operation, and operating performance.

